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Domain Names Eligibility

The domain name you register should fit your target audience, your business and your future website content. And, there are actually (2) two more factors to consider: the domain suffix or TLD and your eligibility.

In this article, you will learn all about TLDs and their eligibility requirements to help you choose the domain name that best suits you.

What Is a TLD

Top-level domain (TLD), also known as domain suffixes,, is the last segment of a domain nameTLDs have (2) two types: generic TLDs and country-specific TLDs. TLDs represent the purpose and the type of domain, for example: .biz for businesses.


Generic top-level domain or gTLD is easily recognised by the suffix attached to the domain name. It is (3) three or more letters long and they’re named to fit a specific type of organisation. Below are examples of Generic TLDs:


Country-code top-level domain or ccTLD is used to define the domain for a specific country or geographical areaccTLDs are generally used or reserved for a country, sovereign state, or dependent territory identified with a country code. This is generally (2) two letters long. Below are examples of ccTLDs:

Although there are thousands of TLDs out there, we’ve handpicked the most popular ones with their corresponding eligibility requirements. Read on to check all of them, or click on a TLD above to learn more about it.

Top TLDs and Their Eligibility Requirements

Refer to the tables below to learn more about the eligibility for gTLDs and ccTLDs.

Top gTLDs

gTLDs Eligibility
.asia Anyone, an individual or a business, can register .ASIA domain names. This is very good if you are going to cater to audiences in the Asia-Pacific region. If the domain name is owned by a foreigner or a foreign business, one of the contact details (RegistrantAdminTech, or Billingmust be a legal entity in Asia.
.biz Anyone can register this domain name, but must ONLY be used for a bonafide business or for commercial purposes.
.com Although originating from the word “commercial” and originally intended for commercial entities, this can be registered by any individual or business in any country as this has no restrictions or limitations.
.info If your website aims to inform, then this domain immediately tells your audience what to expect from you. This can be registered by any individual or business in any country as this has no restrictions or limitations.
.name This is intended for an individual’s representation of their personal name. It may be their:
  1. Complete name;
  2. Nickname;
  3. Pseudonym;
  4. Alias;
  5. Screen names;
  6. Fictional character’s name; or
  7. Other types of identification.
.net This domain was originally intended for networking technologies or organisations like Internet service providers, but can be registered by any individual or business in any country as this has no restrictions or limitations.

Top gTLDs

gTLDs Eligibility
.au .AU is the country code for Australia, the must-have Australia domain name for all Australian individuals and businesses. You can register domains with TLDs such as: .com.au.net.au.org.au.asn.au, and .id.au. Here are the eligibility and allocation rules:
  1. .com.au and .net.au
    Registrant must be:
    1. An Australian registered company; or
    2. Trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory; or
    3. An Australian partnership or sole trader; or
    4. A foreign company licensed to trade in Australia; or
    5. An owner of an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or
    6. An applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or
    7. An association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
    8. An Australian commercial statutory body.
  2. .org.au and .asn.au
    Registrant must be:
    1. An association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
    2. A political party registered with the Australian Electoral Commission; or
    3. A trade union or other organisation registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009; or
    4. A sporting or special interest club operating in Australia; or
    5. A charity operating in Australia, as defined in the registrant’s constitution or other documents of incorporation; or
    6. A non-profit organisation operating in Australia, as defined in the registrant’s constitution or other documents of incorporation.
  3. .id.au
    Registrant must be:
    1. An Australian citizen; or
    2. An Australian resident.
.in .IN is the country code for India, the must-have India domain name for all Indian individuals and businesses. Registration of this TLD is available to all parts of the world. This also allows you to register .in.co.in.ind.in.net.in, and .org.in.
.jp .JP is the domain name for Japan. Any individualgroup, or organisation with a permanent postal address in Japan can register this domain.
.ph .PH is the domain name for the Philippines, the must-have Philippine domain name for all individuals and businesses working in the Philippines. Just like .IN, this is available to all parts of the world. This also allows you to register: .ph.com.ph.net.ph, and .org.ph.
.sg .SG is the country code for Singapore, the must-have Singapore domain name for all Singaporean individuals and businesses. This also allows you to register: .sg.com.sg.org.sg.net.sg.edu.sg, and .per.sg. Here are the eligibility and allocation rules:
  1. .sg
    This is available to everyone. However, if a foreign applicant registers a .SG domain, you must appoint and authorise a local agent as the Administrative Contact who must present their valid Singapore postal address.
  2. .com.sg
    This is open to commercial entities who are either registered or in the middle of registering their business with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) or any professional body in Singapore. This domain name must also have a contact with a valid Singapore postal address.
  3. .org.sg
    This is only available to organisations that are either registered or in the process of registering with the Registry of Societies (ROS) in Singapore. This is also available to town councils, community centres, places of worship, or embassies.
  4. .net.sg
    Domain names applied with this TLD must be reflective of and substantially linked to your principal business and/or company name.
  5. .edu.sg
    Only educational institutions may apply under this category of domain name. Applicants must be any of the following: (a) registered with the Ministry of Education in Singapore, (b) registered with the Ministry of Social and Family Development, (c) registered under the Private Education Act, or (d) authorized by law or the Government to provide educational services in Singapore.
  6. .per.sg
    This category is for the registration of personal domain names. Only Singapore citizens and permanent residents above 18 years old may apply.
.uk .UK is the domain name for the United Kingdom which gives you a local connection within the UK and speaks directly to your audience. You may register: .uk.co.uk.me.uk, and .org.uk.

Please do not hesitate to contact our 24/7 Singapore or Australia Support Team if you have further questions.

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