
Knowledge Base

How to Generate Full Account Backups via JetBackup

Aside from the full backup using your cPanel, if your using Web Hosting and Business Hosting packages for your website, you can use JetBackup to generate full account backups.

JetBackup is a leading backup solution for cPanel which allows you to backup your cPanel account quickly and efficiently. This includes full account backupsfilesemailsdatabases, and SSL certificates.

Here are the steps on how to generate full account backups using JetBackup:

Step 1. Log in to the cPanel using this link format: http://yourdomain.com/cpanel/
Replace yourdomain.com with the Main Domain Name connected to your hosting.
Step 2. Click Full Account Backups under JetBackup panel.

jetbackup full accounts backup vodien cpanel

Step 3. You’ll see backup dates that would be available for your account. Click Generate Download on the specific date you want to download.

generate download adding to queue

Step 4. Click Add to Download Queue for your request.

jetbackup added to queu vodien cpanel

Step 5. Once request is done, click Download to save a copy to your local computer.

jetbackup download available vodien cpanel

To restore your account, you will manually import/upload the specific file.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our 24/7 Singapore or Australia Support Team if you have further queries.

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