
Knowledge Base

How to Clone a Website in Softaculous

Replicating or cloning a website made from open-source web applications like WordPress, Joomla, Magento, among others, is easier via the Softaculous Apps Installer.  

Softaculous is a cPanel feature where open-source web applications can be installed so that websites can be managed virtually. The website needs to be installed or imported to Softaculous first before the features can be available in the cPanel.   

Cloning a website is useful if you want to copy the same website to another domain or subdomain. This is also helpful in duplicating your website for staging purposes.  

Follow the steps below on how to clone a website in Softaculous Apps Installer.  

Step 1. Log in to cPanel.

Step 2. Click the Softaculous Apps Installer icon found under Software menu. 

Softaculous Button on Cpanel

Step 3. Make sure PHP is chosen at the top, then click the Installations button.

Installations Button on Softaculous

Step 4. Click the corresponding copy icon of the website that you want to clone.  

Clone Button in Softaculous Apps Installer

Step 5. Supply the following information to complete the cloning:  

  • Choose Protocol – Select the protocol your website is using. If your website is live, access it on a browser to check if the URL starts with http:// or https:// and if it’s with or without www
  • Choose Domain – Select the domain or subdomain of the website in question.  
  • In Directory – This is usually left blank if your website URL is just https://yourdomain.com but if your website’s URL is https://yourdomain.com/blog  for example, write the word after the last slash in the box provided. In this case, the directory blog
  • Database Name – Enter the database name to be created on the installation of the website. This can be left as it is.  
  • Disable Search Engine Visibility – Check the box if you don’t want for the new website to be crawled by search engines.  
  • Site Name – Enter the website name in the box provided. 

Step 6. Click Clone Installation.  

Clone Installation Button in Softaculous Apps Installer

The next page displays a message that the cloning is successful as shown in the screenshot below.

Cloning Successful Message

Feel free to contact our Singapore or Australia Support Team if you have further questions.

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