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How To Create and Set Permissions to PrestaShop Logins

The editing and updating of your Prestashop website can be assigned to your trusted employees. Separate logins can be created, and different permissions can be set for each. This article demonstrates:  

NOTE: Only with an Administrator permission can make these changes.


Creating Another PrestaShop Logins

Follow the steps below on how to create another username and password for another employee to manage your website:

  1. Access your PrestaShop admin page. Use the same admin URL set up during PrestaShop installation.

    TIP: Go to your PrestaShop website directory and look for the admin folder. This could have been renamed with another name during installation. If the folder has a name of admin123 for example, the admin URL of your website is http://yourdomain.com/admin123 (replace yourdomain.com with your website’s domain or subdomain).

  2. Log in to the PrestaShop admin page with its associated email address and password.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Login Page

  3. Click the avatar of your profile on the upper right side of the page.
  4. Click Your Profile.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Your Profile Button
  5. Click Employees.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Employees Tab

  6. Click Add new employee.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Add New Employee Button

  7. Enter all details asked. Take note of the Email address and password entered here to provide them to the employee.
  8. Click Save.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Save New Employee Details

    The page redirects you to the Employees list and it displays the new employee created. This page also displays Successful creation message.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Successful Creation Prompt and List of Employees Added


Creating Another Permission Profile

Organize each employee with their own permission profile. Follow the steps below on how to add one.

  1. Access your PrestaShop admin page. Use the same admin URL set up during PrestaShop installation.

    TIP: Go to your PrestaShop website directory and look for the admin folder. This could have been renamed with another name during installation. If the folder has a name of admin123 for example, the admin URL of your website is http://yourdomain.com/admin123 (replace yourdomain.com with your website’s domain or subdomain).

  2. Log in to the PrestaShop admin page with its associated email address and password.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Login Page

  3. Click the avatar of your profile on the upper right side of the page.
  4. Click Your Profile.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Your Profile Button

  5. Click Profiles then Add new profile.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Add New Profile Button and Profiles Tab

  6. Enter the profile name in the box provided.
  7. Click Save.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Enter and Save Permission Name

    The page redirects you to the Profiles list and it displays the new employee created. This page also displays Successful creation message.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Successful Creation Prompt and List of Employees Added


Renaming a Permission Profile

Follow the steps below on how to rename permission profiles:

  1. Access your PrestaShop admin page. Use the same admin URL set up during PrestaShop installation.

    TIP: Go to your PrestaShop website directory and look for the admin folder. This could have been renamed with another name during installation. If the folder has a name of admin123 for example, the admin URL of your website is http://yourdomain.com/admin123 (replace yourdomain.com with your website’s domain or subdomain).

  2. Log in to the PrestaShop admin page with its associated email address and password.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Login Page

  3. Click the avatar of your profile on the upper right side of the page.
  4. Click Your Profile.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Your Profile Button

  5. Click Profiles.
  6. Click the corresponding pen button of the profile to be renamed.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Edit Profile Icon

  7. Clear out the box and enter the new name for the permission profile.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop New Profile Name Field

  8. Click Save to save the changes.

    The next page displays a Successful update message. The updated profile name also shows on the list.


Setting Permissions in Each Profile

Follow the steps below on how to set and modify permissions on each profile.

NOTE: Administrator permissions cannot be modified.


  1. Access your PrestaShop admin page. Use the same admin URL set up during PrestaShop installation.

    TIP: Go to your PrestaShop website directory and look for the admin folder. This could have been renamed with another name during installation. If the folder has a name of admin123 for example, the admin URL of your website is http://yourdomain.com/admin123 (replace yourdomain.com with your website’s domain or subdomain).

  2. Log in to the PrestaShop admin page with its associated email address and password.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Login Page

  3. Click the avatar of your profile on the upper right side of the page.
  4. Click Your Profile.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Your Profile Button

  5. Click Permissions.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Permissions Tab

  6. Select the profile to be modified.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Select Profile to Modify

  7. Tick the boxes provided for each permission that you want to allow on the profile.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Permission Checkboxes

    An Update successful message appears on the right every time changes are made on this page, as shown in the screenshot below.

    Screenshot of VD PrestaShop Permission Update Successful


Feel free to contact our Singapore or Australia Support Team if you have further questions. 

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