
Knowledge Base

How to Install SSL Certificate in cPanel

Your SSL provider gives you the SSL certificate file after it is completely generated. Follow the steps below on how to install it in your cPanel.  

Step 1.  Log in to cPanel.     

Step 2. Click SSL/TLS under Security

             SSL TLS Option in cPanel

Step 3. Click Manage SSL sites. 

            Manage SSL Sites Link in cPanel

Step 4. Under Install an SSL Website, select the Domain from the drop-down.  

            Select Domain for SSL

Step 5. Extract the zip file and open the server certificate file via Notepad and copy everything including -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- until -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----

Step 6. Paste the Certificate (CRT) in the box provided. 

            CRT Field for SSL

Step 7. CPanel automatically obtains the Private Key if the CSR was generated from the same cPanel where the SSL is installed. If the CSR is generated somewhere else, enter the Private (KEY) in the box provided.  

            Private Key for SSL

Step 8. Click Install Certificate.  

            Install Certificate Button in cPanel

A pop-up message stating that the SSL certificate has been successfully updated appears. Try accessing the website via HTTPS on a browser. The changes should take effect right away.

SSL Updated Message


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