
Knowledge Base

How to Submit Website to Search Engines

You need to submit your website to search engines for them to know that your website exists and for them to rank it. Before you submit your website, make sure to learn the SEO factors first. Below are the most used search engines and instructions on how to submit your website to each of them.


Google Search Console makes it easier to submit your website to Google search engine. Follow through the steps and make sure not to miss anything for best results. Your submission usually takes effect after two to four weeks.  


Bing Webmaster is also helpful in analysis and submission of your website to Bing and Yahoo search engines. Just like Google Search Console, Bing guides you on how to optimise your website and submit it.  


Yahoo is already using Bing’s indexing so there is no need for you to submit your website to Yahoo separately.  

Technically, these search engines automatically crawl your website without your submission especially if there are a lot of visitors on your site. However, it takes time. So, if you want to secure a higher ranking, it’s better to submit your website once it’s live or every time you’re making major updates on it.  


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