
Knowledge Base

What Happens to My Two-Year SSL Plan

Many Vodien customers prefer purchasing SSL Certificates for 24 months at a time. The reasons are to get discounts and to save time. It saves time in choosing an SSL package or waiting for approval from their respective financing committees.  

Starting September 2020, browsers no longer accept SSL certificates that are valid for more than a year. This is effective to all SSL certificates that have an issue date of September 20, 2020 until the present.  However, you can still purchase SSL Certificates with Vodien for either a year or as a bundle for two years.  

Each certificate is valid for 398 days including the renewal grace period. The good thing is, Vodien automatically renews Standard and Wildcard SSL certificates of the websites that are hosted within Vodien. The renewal is done three weeks before the certificate expires to make sure your website won’t be affected. This change ensures the security of the websites with SSL certificates.  

For websites that are not hosted within Vodien, obtain these three requirements from your web hosting provider and email these to us

  1. Server operating system  
  2. Web server software  
  3. Certificate Signing Request (CSR) 

Since Premium SSL Certificates can’t be verified automatically, customers under this plan needs to undergo manual verification every renewal. An email will be sent to you for instructions.  


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