
Knowledge Base

Where to Find My Server Information

Server Information is where you can see list of information about the current server you have with Vodien. It will have information like your IP Address, number of email accounts you can have, number of database you can create, etc.

This server information was sent to your registered email address when you first signed up for the hosting plan. However, if you have deleted the email or having a hard time finding it, follow the steps below:

Note: There are two ways on how you can log in to your cPanel. Learn of the second way on how to access your Hosting Control Panel.

Step 1. Log in to the cPanel using this link format: http://yourdomain.com/cpanel/
Replace yourdomain.com with the Main Domain Name connected to your hosting.
Step 2. On the left side of your cPanel, you’ll see a table where you can see your hosting package information. Click Expand Stats.

server information vodien cpanel expand status

Step 3. Click Server Information.

server information vodien web hosting cpanel

On the next page, you’ll see all your Server Information from the hosting package to the Kernel Version and other service details.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our 24/7 Singapore or Australia Support Team if you have more questions.

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