
Knowledge Base

Why Should You Buy SSL Certificate

No matter how you make your website secure from the backend, it would be beneficial for you and your customers to install an SSL certificate on your website. This prevents any middle person to gain access to important information disclosed by your customers such as date of birth or credit card information. Here are the other reasons why you should buy an SSL certificate

  • Enhances website visitors’ confidence to engage on your website 
  • Enhances website professionalism 
  • Protects your consumers’ personal information during registrations 
  • Protects your consumers’ login credentials during authentication 
  • Protects your consumers’ payment information 
  • Prevent unauthorised modification to your data transactions 
  • Prevent identity theft 
  • Protect network traffic and logins 
  • Good recommendation from search engines  
  • Boosts credibility to your brand and business 

Read more about self-signed SSL certificate and learn why it is still advisable to buy one. 


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