With so many hosting options, it’s easy to just choose the cheapest provider. But you wouldn’t power your company with the cheapest computers or use outdated software tools. Get a valuable and reliable hosting service that gets your site online effectively.
The right web host protects you from hackers, ensures your site operates smoothly, and helps promote your organisation.
Premium hosting takes these advantages to the next level. In a competitive world where uptime and performance are vital, it unlocks the tools needed for your business to stand above the crowd.
It’s never too late, but your life will be easier if you invest in premium hosting from the start. Don’t worry if your site is already live. Premium hosting also includes website migration tools to make transitioning between your current and new host seamless.
Here are the top five reasons you should invest in premium hosting:
As your website expands in scope and audience, the more resources it needs. Bandwidth is equal to the total number of page views and traffic your site can handle. Premium unlocks not only unlimited bandwidth but also the fastest speeds.
If you hold a flash sale or one of your posts goes viral, your website traffic may shoot up. A website with limited bandwidth capacity won’t be able to handle the sudden traffic surges. With premium hosting, a website can cater to many more visitors without crashing.
Many websites contain a huge number of media files, blogs, articles, and webpages. You’ll need additional storage for these things if you want these files to load once your website is accessed.
When it comes to storage, make sure your web host offers solid-state drives (SSD) for storage. SSDs perform 5-20 times faster compared to traditional hard drives.
Your email address makes a big difference to prospective clients. While there is nothing wrong with free email platforms for personal use, it won’t look professional for businesses.
Premium hosting provides email addresses with your domain name. These are not just helpful for marketing purposes but organisational and administrative as well.
You can keep your entire teams under one email system. Meanwhile, you can enjoy anti-spam, email monitoring, archiving, and other features. It’s the easiest way to both promote your brand and protect your communications from external threats.
When you first purchased your website, you likely needed only one domain. But as companies grow, they often require more domain or subdomains to match their goals. At a minimum, you at least need access to the simple variants of your business name and domain (i.e., .com, .org, .sg).
Premium hosting plans allow you to add multiple domains to one hosting account. With this feature, you can actually save money by connecting all the domains under one host. Then, you’ll be able to use helpful tools like cPanel, which makes managing all these different domains a breeze.
It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of your website’s security. About 60% of small businesses fold after a cyberattack. Hacks not only take your site offline but threaten your employee and client data while damaging your company’s reputation.
Moreover, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox block users from visiting infected websites to prevent them from also getting hacked.
READ: 5 Ways Your Web Host Impacts Your SEO
Premium hosting unlocks a suite of security tools that will ensure this never happens to your business. With a dedicated IP, you get not only the best security but also the best performance. Along with this, premium hosting also includes:
One common internal reason websites suffer downtime is because critical features like the CMS or its plugins aren’t updated. Since these tools are all separate, it can be difficult for businesses to keep track of them. If a developer issues a patch for one of them and you don’t update, you may get knocked offline.
Premium hosting services will alert you about updates and automatically install them. You’ll also have access to:
These are just a few of the reasons why premium web hosting is worth it. You get better speed, security, scalability, and functionality. Best of all, it’s only a little bit more per month to unlock these great features. The right hosting helps improve your site performance, SEO, and cybersecurity. What could be better than that?
Invest in the long-term success of your company and work with a premium web host.
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