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What is HTTP Strict Transport Security? (HSTS)

HSTS, short for HTTP Strict Transport Security, is a method that directs a browser to only access websites using an HTTPS connection. This means that a security mechanism defaults a user's browser to access a website securely.

Enforcing a secure HTTPS connection protects a website from attacks such as man-in-the-middle attacks, making it safe for users to visit. Upon declaring an HSTS policy, a website enables a browser to only accept HTTPS connection requests from it and decline all insecure certificates.

A business must protect sensitive user data because it ensures trust and validity. Thus, secure communication must exist for websites, especially those hosted on web hosting platforms and handling domain names. HSTS security keeps such websites and businesses safe and running. 

What is HSTS?

HSTS, the web security mechanism that ensures browsers always use a secure HTTPS connection when accessing a particular website, even if the user accidentally types in the insecure HTTP URL, was finalized by RFc 6797 in 2012. This made it widely recognized and used in web security. HSTS is a web security policy that ensures that a user's browser only accesses a website using HTTPS. It is regardless of whether a user types HTTP in the search bar or without typing HTTP or HTTPS. 

Using HSTS becomes paramount for websites that use SSL certificates. This is because hackers usually implement SSL stripping, a technique they use to sniff packets of user-sensitive information or modify it. This is done by forcing the browser to connect to a website using HTTP because it is more vulnerable to such cyberattacks. 

Thus, HTTP strict transport security is handy for websites that rely on SSL certificates to encrypt communication and ensure secure connections. Other attacks, such as downgrades and cookie hijacking, try to intercept a website's security by faking the HTTPS connection. 

HSTS prevents this by processing the website through trusted certificate authorities that ensure its security. This is particularly important for websites hosted on shared, VPS, or dedicated servers, where security is paramount.  

How HSTS Works?

When a user tries to access a website without entering its URL in the web browser, the default protocol followed by the web browser connects the user to the HTTP website. This means that a request for HTTP is made to establish the connection. 

With the HSTS, the website directs this request to HTTPS instead of HTTP. This is when HTTP strict transport security comes into play, and its policy protection begins with the use of an HTTP response header named "Strict-Transport-Security."

The Header simply instructs the browser to remember to use HTTPS automatically for future connections. This default protocol usually takes one year to remember. From the moment this is enabled, the browser establishes no HTTP connections. 

If the HTTPS connection is not available, access to the website or connection is terminated. Web hosting environments like Linux and Windows hosting support rely on SSL certificates and HSTS headers for website protection. 

However, the "Strict-Transport-Security” header must be configured properly to maximize the protection of a website. This is because the Header covers the domain name it is configured to protect. The explanation for that is if a website has covered a domain 'www' of a website, then the Header will only apply HSTS security to that subdomain. 

That is the reason for configuring the Header to include a call to the base domain, and the Header to include subdomains must be received. It protects all the iterations of a website that come under its various subdomains. The setup includes multiple websites, including VPS hosting and dedicated servers. 

Benefits of HSTS

Enhanced Security 

HSTS encrypts the communication between a browser and a website by securely directing it to an HTTPS connection. This helps to protect a user's browser from various cyberattacks. 

This ensures website security by preventing any interference or theft of information that may be stored in places like cookies over a browser. This is critical for businesses that rely on dedicated servers or VPS hosting to host their websites. 

Protection Against Downgrade Attacks 

 A downgrade attack is a man-in-the-middle attack that weakens a user's HTTPS protocol by forcing them to use HTTP instead of HTTPS for connection requests. 

HSTS blocks attackers from forcing connections over unencrypted HTTP, making it essential for domains managed under sturdy hosting solutions. 

User Trust and Compliance  

The HSTS secures a website's usage, which means it consistently uses HTTPS to establish connections. This helps to build user trust and promotes a business's compliance with security standards. 

Lastly, it also improves the user experience by ensuring that domains registered under SSL-secured web hosting are fully protected. This is because a user is not required to mitigate the hassle of going through SSL certificate validations.  

How to Implement HSTS?

Steps for Implementation: 

  1. Confirm that the SSL certificate is enabled for your website before implementing HSTS, ensuring it directs the connection from HTTP to HTTPS. 
  2. Connect to the server remotely using SSH to access your application's htaccess file. You can do this using the SSH client. 
  3. Then, one has to access the directory to find the web root of a website, which is usually found in the public_html directory. This is the place where the. htaccess file is located. One can input commands using the format: cd applications/<your_application_name>/public_html

*One has to input inside in place of the angular brackets and remove them in the final command because they are just, for instance, here. 

  1. Add the command' vim. htaccess'; this will open the file that can be edited to add the HSTS. 
  2. Then, at the end of the file, start editing by pressing 'I' and then add the rule for HSTS configuration. The setup gets completed by adding the line' Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" env=HTTPS' to the 'vim. htacces' file. 

By changing the code, one can even modify the server configurations to send HSTS headers. This can be done on most web hosting environments, such as Linux VPS or dedicated servers

To Preload HSTS: 

To benefit from HSTS, users have to access the HTTPS version of a website once before they see the HSTS header. This means a user is still vulnerable to security-related cyberattacks before a first secure visit. 

Moreover, a few websites, like the ones under the domain '.gov,' use HTTP as their primary location for directing a user's browser to establish a connection. To tackle this issue, the Chrome security team created an 'HSTS preload list.' 

The preload list inculcates a list of domains that are integrated into Chrome. That's why they automatically are enabled to get HTTP strict transport security even without a first visit to them. 

Multiple browsers like Firefox, Safari, Edge, and more incorporate this HSTS preload list by Chrome. A website owner can easily do this by implementing a proper SSL certificate. Another way to tackle this could be submitting one's domain to Chrome's preload list as an owner. 

HSTS Limitations and Considerations

Initial HTTP Connection Vulnerability

HSTS is applied once a user visits a website securely for the first time. This means that it could lead to potential cyberattacks if not mitigated properly. 

One can use managed hosting solutions with SSL certificates to help navigate this risk safely. An SSL certificate presents us with a warning before entering any insecure domain or unreliable HTTP domain. 

Browser Support 

Older browsers may not be fully enabled to support HSTS. However, it is widely supported in modern hosting setups that offer excellent security features. Despite all of this, one must keep their browsers updated to ensure the support of HSTS. 


HSTS is a widely accepted security standard that protects a user's browser from cyberattacks by establishing secure, encrypted communication between the browser and the website. 

It fends off cyberattacks like downgrading, session cookies, and other man-in-the-middle attacks. This is because HSTS securely directs a user to access the HTTPS version of a website. 

That's why it is paramount for businesses to implement HTTP strict transport security to improve the security of their websites. Other factors like improved user trust, web security, and smooth performance also contribute to the value of HTTP strict transport security. 

Vodien's hosting solutions include VPS and dedicated servers that offer support in implementing HSTS and SSL certificates for an owner's website. It is highly recommended that you visit and explore Vodien's services because it is one of the best web hosting and solution providers.  

FAQs on What is HSTS?

What is HSTS used for?

HSTS secures the connection between a user's browser and a website. It encrypts the connection and directs it to HTTPS as the default setting for accessing a particular website.

How do I fix an HSTS issue?

One can fix an HSTS issue using various methods, such as clearing the HSTS settings. This changes the settings to default, and it may fix the issue. 

Otherwise, altering the configuration can help as well. Lastly, one can also put the max-age directive of '0', which will expire the Header immediately.

One must be cautious while mitigating such issues because it can compromise a website's security. Thus, it is recommended that a backup be created before altering the configurations of the main website interface.

How to enable HSTS?

HSTS can be enabled using HTML. To do so, follow the steps to add the HSTS rule to the .htaccess file of a particular domain.

How to Unblock HSTS?

HSTS can be unblocked by clearing the HSTS settings. This depends on the browser. However, one just needs to follow a few steps to reach the HSTS settings and then clear them.

Does Chrome block websites in HSTS?

Chrome browser uses HSTS to enhance security and protect a user's data. It does this by automatically directing a user to the HTTPS version of a website to establish the connection between the browser and the server.

However, sometimes a website's HTTPS certificate is not accessible. Chrome blocks access to such websites using HSTS to protect user-sensitive information within the browser.

What could happen if HSTS is not enabled?

HSTS protects a user's browser and its sensitive information from cyberattacks. From a user's perspective, if HSTS is not enabled, one can be subjected to multiple cyberattacks. These attacks include downgrade attacks that use SSL stripping for information theft or other man-in-the-middle attacks.

However, for a business owner, it can negatively affect their business, leading to a loss of trust and inconsistency in security, which may cause a business to lose a huge amount of money.

Which browser allows HSTS?

Multiple browsers, such as Firefox, Safari, Edge, and others, allow HSTS to be part of their interface. This ensures website security and promotes a browser's validity and performance.

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