
Knowledge Base

How To Set Up SOA Records in WHM

SOA record or Start of Authority record contains information about the server like the authoritative nameserver’s hostname, server administrator’s contact email, among others. Follow the steps below on how to set up or edit SOA records in WHM.

  1. Log in to WHM.

    Screenshot of VD WHM Login Page

  2. Click DNS Functions on the sidebar menu or in the WHM homepage.

    Screenshot of VD WHM DNS Functions Button

  3. Click Edit DNS Zone.

    Screenshot of VD WHM Edit DNS Zone Button

  4. Select the domain name to modify and click Edit. Use the search box if necessary.

    Screenshot of VD WHM Login Page Select Domain to Edit Page

  5. Enter the SOA records in the boxes provided. In this page, you can also add and edit other DNS records.

    Screenshot of VD WHM SOA Fields

  6. Click Save to save the changes made on this page.

    Screenshot of VD WHM Save DNS Records


Wait for up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect.

Feel free to contact our Singapore or Australia Support Team if you have further questions.

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