Today, optimising website content for search engines is a must for any business.
You can be the best business in town but search engines won't recognise that. This is why it’s important to strategise your SEO. Working on your SEO helps your business appear in SERPs and eventually earn a spot at the top search results.
But the problem is that you are a business founder, not an SEO expert. You don’t have the time or skills to integrate SEO into your website. Or worst, you don't even know what SEO is.
Well, worry no more. Because with Simple SEO, you can optimise your website content to get better search rankings and boost your online visibility with ease.
Now, let’s look at the things you need to know about SEO. And, how using Simple SEO helps you kickstart your SEO journey. Let's begin!
SEO, or search engine optimisation, is the process of improving your site's visibility on search engines. Specifically, to users that look for products or services related to your business. Search engines, like Google, use bots to scan or “crawl” your website's content.
Bots called “spiders” crawl pages on the web, collect information, and send the data to search engines. Then, search algorithms come in to analyse the pages for indexing.
Multiple ranking factors apply to web content so that users get relevant search results. These include using keywords, backlinks, and superior content quality.
Optimising a website involves on-page, off-page, and technical SEO techniques. For starters, all of them are complex and will require time and effort to learn.
What Simple SEO does is provide actionable steps that guide you to do it. You don't need to be an expert to optimise your website because you’ll get expert recommendations from the tool.
In simple terms, it simplifies SEO complexities so that even beginners can comfortably optimise their websites.
Step 1: Log in to your Vodien account manager.
Step 2: Click on Visit My Account. On the top menu, search and click 'Simple SEO'.
Step 3: If you didn't register a plan yet, you will see the Simple SEO plans on the webpage. Select your plan and connect it to your domain name. If you already have a plan, then click the Simple SEO plan with the correct domain to access the product details. Now, click the “+” button and click Manage Product.
Step 4: You’ll be redirected to your business profile. From there you can also see the Online Marketing Hub dashboard.
When using the tool for the first time, you need to enter the details of your website like URL, web pages, and keywords. Keywords must relate to your niche.
For instance, if you have an eCommerce site selling books, your keywords can be “best books to read”, “latest books of 2022”, “most popular books”, etc.
Don't worry if right now you do not know which keywords are the best for your business. Simple SEO helps you figure that out.
Keywords are the phrases or words that users enter into search engines when looking for something on the web.
All your website content – including images, videos, and articles – must be relevant and helpful to your niche. Aside from the fact that it helps you target customers, it also helps your website appear in SERPs. Adding relevant keywords to your content boosts your online visibility.
Adding keywords to your overall website content helps your SEO. Even your business location is an important keyword to include in your SEO strategy.
When did you last do a website health check? If it’s beyond six months, you need to do a check today.
Because, ideally, health checks should be every six months. If you have more than three pages, it should be monthly.
Simple SEO is a tool that automates these for you. It analyses your SEO scores and details the factors affecting them.
Simply access Simple SEO from your account manager and look for Health Check. Once done, it alerts you about broken links, missing meta tags, and keywords. This information is useful for planning corrective actions that improve your SEO score.
But how do I use this information if I don’t know what actions to make? We also got you covered.
Simple SEO generates action cards to help you improve your SEO. They are tasks you must complete to improve your overall website.
The action card prioritises tasks that have the highest impact on your website. And while you do all that, you can also track the number of hours needed to complete each task.
Finally, you need to know where you’re at in your strategy.
With Simple SEO, you can track your progress, too. Tracking the entire search engine optimisation process is also a feature inclusion in Simple SEO.
Optimising your website’s overall performance is a must to succeed in the digital landscape. Sure, SEO is complex and the results don’t happen overnight. But with the right tools, you don’t always need to put in the hard work.
Get Simple SEO today and start optimising your website!
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